- deprivation of vision
- зрительная депривация
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Vision quest — A vision quest is a rite of passage in some Native American cultures.Inuit examplesIn many Inuit and other Native American groups, the vision quest is a turning point in life taken before puberty to find oneself and the intended spiritual and… … Wikipedia
Vision Quests — For many Native Americans, traditional initiation rituals, especially those celebrated at puberty, are marked by a vision quest, in which a person goes to a remote and possibly sacred place and seeks to encounter a powerful other than human… … Historical dictionary of shamanism
Evolution of color vision — Color vision, a proximate adaptation of the vision sensory modality, allows for the discrimination of light based on its wavelength components. Contents 1 Invertebrates 2 Vertebrates 3 See also 4 Referen … Wikipedia
Dinosaur vision — Troodon had the best sense of vision among all dinosaurs Dinosaurs, among reptiles, have the best vision. Large carnosaurs rarely had well developed optic lobe. Coelurosaurs, on the other hand, had good stereoscopic or binocular vision. Contents … Wikipedia
Monocular deprivation — is an experimental technique used by neuroscientists to study central nervous system plasticity. Generally, one of an animal s eyes is sutured shut during a period of high cortical plasticity (4–5 weeks old in mice (Gordon 1997)). This… … Wikipedia
sleep deprivation-induced hallucination — Also known as sleep deprivation hallucination. The term sleep deprivation refers to the deliberate prevention of sleep. Sleep deprivation may be self induced or induced by others, as in interrogation, torture, or sleep deprivation experiments … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Amblyopia — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H53.0 ICD 9 368.0 … Wikipedia
Kurzsichtig — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 H44.2 Degenerative Myopie/Maligne Myopie H52.1 Myopie H52.5 Akkommodationsspasmus … Deutsch Wikipedia
Myopia — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 H44.2 Degenerative Myopie/Maligne Myopie H52.1 Myopie H52.5 Akkommodationsspasmus … Deutsch Wikipedia
Myopie — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 H44.2 Degenerative Myopie/Maligne Myopie H52.1 Myopie H52.5 Akkommodationsspasmus … Deutsch Wikipedia
Myopisierung — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 H44.2 Degenerative Myopie/Maligne Myopie H52.1 Myopie H52.5 Akkommodationsspasmus … Deutsch Wikipedia